
Rollin’ and Tumblin’

Video is 1080p HD! Adjust setting in viewer for full effect. Damn it all. Here I was all set to jump back in with a fine big story, but current events grabbed me by the throat and wouldn’t let go. Be that as it may, I’m alive and kicking. Enjoy the video—an excellent metaphor for [...]

Saturday on the Rio

Rio Grande near Pilar, NM

Reflected colors from sky and trees

The river was stunning on a quiet Saturday afternoon. In the absence of any recent run-off, the water was clear, and there was almost no traffic on the road between Pilar and the Taos Junction Bridge. Canada geese and several species of ducks fed constantly in the shallows, where long green banners of aquatic plants [...]

Llano Quemado Report

old Taos backyard

Visible portion of building is actually dead landlord’s apartment

That’s a little piece of the back yard. This is the semi-civilized area, the rest being sagebrush, chamisa, and cactus, but you still have to watch out for the goddamn ants. Man, if ants were money, I’d be rich, assuming I could wrangle them. The only way to sit at that table is with your [...]

Afternoon on the Rio Grande

Rio Grande near Pilar, NM

At the bottom of an eight hundred foot deep canyon!

The image is from nine days ago. I thought I’d post it before actual winter shows up and all hell breaks loose. That’s all, just the Rio Grande. (“Just” the Rio Grande, sure.) Enjoy and have a pleasant Sunday afternoon!

Seeing to the Bottom

mountain meadow with creek

I wonder if there are frogs as well. Might be too cold for them!

Now this was quite a treat. There I was at over nine thousand feet in the freaking wilderness, somewhere between Tres Piedras and the Brazos Cliffs, walking toward a marsh. Well, a creek, but spread out wide and marshy. An actual wetland shimmering in the sun. No birds or elk, though, surprising only if we [...]




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