
Man on the Water

Johnny at Tolchester

Tolchester Beach, Kent County, MD a long time ago on the shores of the Chesapeake Bay

You’re about to read three chapters of a “work-in-progress” called Man on the Water. As I may never finish (though I hope I do) I’m sharing what I have because I like them and they also stand alone. Enjoy.- JHF TOLCHESTER BEACH, 1948 MOTI SPLASHED IN THE SHALLOWS, holding on to the bow. The sand [...]

New Toy

New Toy post image

Greetings! Yes, I’m still here, and nothing of consequence will change at this site. I do have a new venture, however, that will be unfolding alongside JHFARR.COM, namely the above at Substack.com. Substack is a minimalist digital publishing platform intended for “newsletters,” although a single essay qualifies. Photos work. Anything works, plus there’s an option [...]

cloud formation

Holy flies of universal revelation, Batman!

We took a splendid little road trip up to southern Colorado. It was a glorious, beautiful day with visibility clear to sharp horizons. I wanted to stop every quarter mile and take more cloud shots. Just before crossing the Rio Grande Gorge Bridge, we saw a tight clump of half a dozen bighorn rams, and [...]

Paradise Calling

old adobe scene in Taos

Vanished neighbors’ hovel from our kitchen window

Another pack rat in the trap beneath the sink! That’s three in a week without changing the peanut butter bait: just toss the carcass outside for the magpies and coyotes, reset the trap, and put it back right where it was. Economical and efficient. Moving right along, I heard a gopher two nights ago on [...]


old adobe scene in Taos

Pay attention and be true

It hadn’t rained all month and everything was dead and ravens squawked. Letting the “yard” go back to Nature wasn’t going to make another house show up, but I’d given it a good shot—now we had a fire hazard, and I couldn’t find the hose. At the same time, the weather was a little out [...]




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