Yes, that’s me. Just wanted to explain what’s going on here with the new “Photo Blog” category you see above under the post header. I’m a creature of habit. Most of the time, I “save” photos for essays, upload them to my Smugmug gallery, or spontaneously post them on Twitter. So if your only contact [...]

Oh let’s have a picnic a picnic by the sea no one there but angels as the waves wash over me Been observing all kinds of things lately. Had a birthday, end of summer, looking back again. Even with as much as I’ve done and all that I’ve experienced in all those years, it seems [...]
The palmist was known to me, the adult daughter of someone I knew as a crazy damn poet and writer in Austin when I’d hide out on weekends from my teaching in Wharton, where the sheriff had a deputy park in front of my house and opened my mail, about the time when the KKK [...]
A JHF Classic from June, 2006. A column from Horse Fly, actually, an alternative Taos weekly of the time, only obliquely about the 4th of July. It has to do with things that matter. The last ten miles of rocky trail going down into the canyon took at least an hour, most of it in [...]
I don’t know how other people live their lives but the other afternoon at tequila hour I rambled on into territory that my wife had never visited because she never thinks of going mad that way. It was kind of fascinating to see her lift the trap door, sort through this and that—which she grasped [...]