
Dead Calm

Taos Plateau

The Mountains Do Not Care

The wind was roaring at 45 to 50 mph across the plateau late May a year ago. It wasn’t cold so much as flensing, as the truck door flew out of my grip in search of bones to break. That kind of wind. I reached the spot you see above by driving west of town, [...]

Adobe Hell with Honey

window scene

Free from the chains of the skyway?

Sometimes I think I invented this life so I could write about it. Once I had the thought that everything that ever happened to me was “like holy fire raining down,” and all I ever had to do was tell the world. That was in the bathtub on the second floor on Still Pond Road [...]

Fearless Vista Porn

Flag Mountain near Questa, NM

Forty-five minutes from town

June 2, 2019. This road is steeper than it looks. In wet times it turns into chocolate slop and dries to polished stone. The ruts are deep enough you keep away. Can’t send her out on a road like this, she’d have to learn to drive my truck. On the other hand there might be [...]

Oriole Hordes

Bullock’s Oriole

Bullock’s Oriole. Hope he doesn’t want it back.

There’s a zillion of ’em now. I just spotted five at once on three different hummingbird feeders. No idea why this year of all years the air is full of yellow-orange birds. [Hit the links below ↓ too.] Metaphysical compensation perhaps.

Real Taos

garbage dump and vista near Taos

West of the gorge on the Taos Plateau

This morning was hard. My wife looked at me and asked how we got trapped in this “funny little town.” I thought but did not say: because we didn’t plan for the future and I let you down and prices have tripled. Silence was sufficient and the moment soon passed. Later I did speak. We [...]




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