
Perfect Love

kitty in the window

Callie on that deep adobe windowsill

This isn’t about the cat, actually, but the scene fits. (That’s Callie the Wonder Cat, wondering if I’m going to let her in.) In the photo above, you can see the towel in the windowsill for catching water whenthe ice on the inside of the glass melts in the morning sun. This is an afternoon [...]

New Year’s Day Encounter

Taos Valley Overlook scene

Looking south from the Falling Down Place

What a hellacious and bodacious last few weeks. All my amps are turned up to eleven. My fight-or-flight response is stuck on in-between. It’s like this is when I save my life, but how many dragons did you say were waiting in the lobby? My moods have been snapping back and forth like whirling bullwhips. [...]

Golden Wet Leaves of the Gods

cottonwood leaves in clear water in New Mexico

Most of these are underwater. Can you tell where the surface is?

A little voice told me to take my camera with me on my hike today, but of course I didn’t, so naturally I encountered three tarantulas! The third one was the biggest I’ve ever seen, crawling along the bottom of an arroyo. At any rate, that’s why you’re looking at those underwater leaves in the [...]

Lizard Life


Say hello to Mr. or Mrs. Skink

As I drove out to the trailhead for my four-mile hike this morning, I was feeling kind of old. Maybe it was the truck’s fault. When I got there, I saw three other vehicles and nobody around. The driver’s side door squeaked loudly when I opened it. Slamming it shut made it go BAM wocka-wocka [...]

Horned Toad Lesson: Baby!

baby horned toad

Saw two of these within 20 seconds of each other on the same trail

Thought I’d run out of horned toad photos, eh? Not on your life! This young one is a little over an inch long. And see that dried sagebrush leaf? Note its size relative to the baby horny toad and then look at this shot, where you see an adult surrounded by scads of sagebrush leaves. [...]



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