
Right Now

vase in window


Here I am again and welcome to you all. Another long absence passes in this second summer of my new life alone. So much has happened since I last posted. So much will again. My little path through the world may mean nothing to you now but watch out. Saving the hummingbird I stood on [...]

Trust and Other Wonders

First warm evening of the year

First warm evening of the year, 5-27-2022

Hello, good people. It’s been so long since I was here. I’m sorry. Please forgive me and read on. A little recap first and then we’ll rumble. Thanks for hanging in there. THIS PAST YEAR has been terrible. The absolute fury of my Iowa trip with its deep emotion, fear, and lunacy still drains me. [...]

Homing in

If you see sweet Kathy bring her home to me if she feels like waitin’ best let her be does she know I’m comin’ will she wait for me do we live forever is it meant to be Something prompted me to make this video last week. The soundtrack is an instrumental version of a [...]

Islands and Floods

baby picture

My time in the sea

[Originally published 8-2-2021 here.] The picture of Kathy as a little blonde girl comes from her studio. She kept it in a shrine-like setting like I have it now, on an old handmade table with a postcard of a naked young woman in a rustic French farmhouse. Bending over a sink, bare feet on the [...]

Almost June (Could Be Worse)


Eighth House dude rides again

Almost died last night, I swear. Never mind it’s been six weeks since since I laid her back down on the pillow, closed her eyes, and called the nurse. There wasn’t any crying then. We’d had an intimate last few hours all alone and there was nothing in that room but love. I blazed like [...]



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