
Fearless Vista Porn

Flag Mountain near Questa, NM

Forty-five minutes from town

June 2, 2019. This road is steeper than it looks. In wet times it turns into chocolate slop and dries to polished stone. The ruts are deep enough you keep away. Can’t send her out on a road like this, she’d have to learn to drive my truck. On the other hand there might be [...]

Lighten Up

cholla with Indian paintbrushes

So many flowers in the terrible high desert this year

What if it’s all nonsense? What if there’s nothing to be afraid of? What if the past doesn’t matter? What if it doesn’t exist (how could it)? What if everything is conjured? What if you don’t have to do anything? What if it’s all emotional? What if there isn’t a “right way”? What if anything [...]

Milagro de Nuevo Mexico

back yard

45°F and felt quite warm

It’s all a process. You never reach the “end,” though we all try. One evolves toward ever-greater happiness through self-awareness. That explains the lift I felt when we turned down the foreclosure in the sagebrush. It wasn’t the landscape, though, but rather the restrictions. Turns out there was a subdivision. Our realtor sent us the [...]


Muse post image

She was waiting for him when he opened the car door, sitting in the passenger seat smoking a cigarette. “Hey! What are you doing here? This is my car!” She turned to face him and smiled, then exhaled and tossed the still-burning cigarette out the partly opened window. “Oh, hi. I’ve been waiting for you.” [...]

Where Have I Been?


Well, you know. Sometimes you have to come at things in a different way. It isn’t easy. Take the firehose of negativity at 4:00 a.m.—where does this stuff come from? I sort of know by now, of course, and this week came across a chunk of solid proof. But that’s not where the effort lies.



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