
Callie the Wonder Cat

Callie the Wonder Cat, of course

Here we go again, thank God. Oh the end and the beginning. Two weeks ago my wife and I were lying somewhere in a king-sized bed on the third floor of the Fairfield Inn in Alamosa, Colorado. It was totally comfortable and crazy as hell. (Our bed at home is so much smaller.) I followed [...]

Chamisa Eat My Truck

Taos scene

Chamisa (yellow stuff) or “rabbit brush” in foreground

Crazy life, crazy life. Nothing settled, but all is more or less okay. With lots more money and a better house, this would probably just be normal! Oh god… Beautiful weather yesterday, absolutely perfect. Seventy-five to eighty degrees, twenty percent humidity, almost no wind at all. Front door open, just the screen. The sound of [...]

Wonder of the Small

Lazuli bunting

Living in the moment »Buy This Photo!«

The lazuli bunting is such a little bird, smaller than a sparrow, smaller than an indigo bunting (which we also see)—but they’re so beautiful, I have to pay attention, and when I can, I take another picture. It’s just one of those things, like rainbows. What kind of an idiot doesn’t take a picture of [...]

Cool New Mexico Video

Preview frame above from the Rio Grande Gorge near Taos Found the link on Twitter and just thought I’d post this. New Mexico stole my heart a long time ago, you know. It’s so different here. More kind, somehow, without so many people. Beautiful and dangerous! So goddamn old, mysterious, and crazy empty. You get [...]

Rocks of Ages

cliffs above the Rio Grande near Pilar, NM

If you need rocks, we hit the jackpot »Buy This Photo!«

The Precambrian lava at the tops of the cliffs eight hundred feet above the Rio Grande near Pilar is something like 1.8 billion years old, some of the oldest exposed rock in the state of New Mexico. This rock, those rocks, freezing and shattering high above, dark brown with a hint of red, falling and [...]



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