
Big Wide Thing

Taos VAlley Overlook scene

A couple of hours out here, only saw one young dude on a bike

The show is in the sky when there are clouds. Today was one of those days when I took a ton of photos, shaking my head at the impact of it all. The colors and the freaking vistas. The clouds (my god), the wind, a perfect temperature near seventy degrees, the sun at seven thousand [...]

The Taos Crack

crack in windshield

Reflection is a rubber gila monster and a cow’s vertebra on the dash (out of view)

Everything was fine, and then the unseen rock or midnight BB gun. It sneaks up on you, you know. Year upon year. The things you tolerate, get used to. First there was a little chip, regrettable but part of the experience. This one formed a tiny cross one winter, little cuts of light into the [...]

Night of the Ten Thousand Pound Eyelids

blacksmith shop at Kit Carson Museum in Rayado, NM

Blacksmith shop at the Kit Carson Museum in Rayado, NM

For weeks now at five o’clock or so most days, my wife’s been saying, with an incredulous look on her face, “Man, I am so knocked out!” Lately it’s been catching and I feel it, too. At first I blamed my nap lust on the ragweed. I tend to leave it growing much too long [...]

Lead On

vista near Taos

Behold the rift! »Buy This Photo!«

Well, I mean, why not? Why in the only everloving world we’ve ever known the hell not? A friend of mine* owns half of an entire mountain with the lava plug of an old volcanic cone at the summit. (No, not shown in photo.) He and I are going to make a “run for the [...]

Chthonic Power

Taos Mountain in the clouds

Taos Mountain telephoto shot one hour into Spring »Buy This Photo!«

From the bowels of the Earth it came! The unimaginable magma from 1.8 billion years ago is now igneous Precambrian rock that lies atop the mountains and the high cliffs of the Rio Grande Gorge, the oldest exposed rock in the state. Metamorphic rock from sediments deposited at the bottom of an ancient ocean 1.7 [...]



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