New Mexico

Sky Fix with Dogs

Taos, New Mexico

I bitch a lot but this is just ten minutes from the house

My heart rate was pushing one hundred thirty-two beats per minute near the top of the hill. I thought that was a bit much, but nothing burst. She flew on ahead the way she always does, sometimes with her arms stretched out like wings. (I can beat her on a bike, but that’s it.) There [...]

Hawk Medicine Telephoto

red-tailed hawk over snowy hills

It’s not spring yet

There it is, a red-tailed hawk. I didn’t see it when I took the telephoto shot, which makes this even better. For those who may not know, sightings of particular animals (and the nature of these encounters) often have great significance in Native American and other aboriginal cultures. (Google away, there are many books and [...]

Buffalo Gift

buffalo east of Cimarron

Wet shiny noses under cloudy sky

See if you can pick out the males. They weigh twice as much (2,000 pounds!) and have bigger humps. Keep in mind these animals can run at forty miles per hour, too, then imagine Native warriors chasing them down on horseback with lances or bows and arrows—and on foot for centuries before Spanish horses ran [...]

Season of the Rufous

rufous hummingbird

Shot through dirty window with Pentax K-x on auto w/ 55-300 telephoto lens, tweaked like crazy (chrome , Camera RAW filters)

They’re here! We have so many of them now. Rufous hummingbirds are very aggressive, chasing each other and every other kind away from the feeders and even out of the yard. I put up five feeders. With the crowds we get, some of them are empty by the end of the day.

Wild One

cactus blossom

Ne pick pas

It’s a good year for cactus flowers. You pretty much don’t see them unless you’re on foot in the sagebrush or messing around in someone’s vacant lot, blooming cholla being an extravagant exception, wherever it may be. The most prevalent cactus appears to be a ground-hugging miniature prickly pear-looking thing with plentiful spines. [Above] These [...]



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