
Burning Juan

Burning Juan post image

There’s too much going on and moving much too fast. I’ve written this post at least six times. Each version was completely different and obsolete by dawn.

One Evening in the Wind

Kathy at the top of the driveway

“She lives (in a time of her own)”… – 13th Floor Elevators

Some days my only exercise is a walk to the top of the driveway to smell the air and scan the horizon. Today, this Saturday morning, is different. I will change the spark plugs on the car, buy tequila and lotto tickets, and maybe visit the storage unit—a ritual push against the tourist traffic, that, [...]


BMW R1100R

The story isn’t over, is it

The idiot in the shiny red Jeep from Texas had tons of room to pass on the long straight highway west of Clovis, but sat there tailgating a slow sedan in front. (“Oh, Lord…”) I waited five seconds, cursed, and stomped down on the gas. The 235-horsepower V-8 bellowed like a maddened beast, shooting us [...]

Another View

Another View post image

The latest version of Photoshop CC 2018 tempted me to play. Reminds me a bit of R. Crumb’s infinite cross-hatching style with the exception of the sky. This is actually a shot of the Rio Grande at the Taos Junction Bridge from late this afternoon, with the unpaved road to Carson curving up and to [...]

He Still Likes It

2001 Dodge Dakota

Your gentle reminder that I photoshopped the fake license plate above

About ten days ago (?) we had a little snow. Just a few inches, and it was quickly gone. The drought-parched soil soaked up the melt water so fast, it was like the slush was only visiting. While it was here, though, the Dakota got “stuck” backing up the hill. The rear tires simply couldn’t [...]



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