Walking the Land

Taos Valley Overlook scene

Walked about three miles. Saw one lady with a dog.

Sixty degrees today at Taos Valley Overlook and a semi-dry path. Who could resist? I noticed on the way out that my ’87 Ford F-150 was almost impossible to shift. Maybe the hydraulic clutch just needs a little fluid. Oh, sure. Has that ever fixed anything? “Here, lemme just top this off”… I used to do that at the gas pump. A stupid little game I played, rounding up the amount owed. Had gasoline overflow the filler pipe with that one, chilluns. Splashed all over the place, too.

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John Hamilton Farr lives at 7,000 feet in Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico, U.S.A. As New York Times best-selling author James C. Moore tells it, John is “a man attuned to the world who sees it differently than you and I and writes about it with a language and a vision of life that is impossible to ignore.” This JHFARR.COM site is the master writing archive. To email John, please see CONTACT INFO on About page. For a complete list of all John’s writing, photography, NFTs, and social media links, please visit JHFARR.ART  

  • Mary Martin February 11, 2015, 6:49 AM

    John, are these trails that you walk on public ground? They look maintained but it probably takes a long time for the vegetation to creep back in. I was just curious because you mention going for a long walks and I was wondering if there was a system of trails. Do animals also use them?

    • JHF February 11, 2015, 7:52 AM

      In the past, I’ve walked places near our present house that are on private land. But these days, yes, only public trails. There are far more here that I could ever cover in a single lifetime.

      You’re right about how long it takes for trails to disappear. In this climate, they can last a very long time indeed. Here’s a trail map for Taos Valley Overlook. There are many times more places to walk on trails in the national forests. And yes, animals use them occasionally, judging from the tracks.

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