I can’t believe how good it looks, for all the lunacy and exile boojum soaked into the ground. I can’t believe that elm tree hasn’t fallen yet and taken out the wall. I can’t believe a bear broke half a pear tree down right after I moved in, and the rest took ten years to die. I can’t believe I clean the chimney with a stick. I can’t believe the piñon burns so hot. I can’t believe this works so well, for all the useless desperation of the past. New Mexico, they got this down. The basic stuff was always here.
Things I Can’t Believe

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I can’t believe that you have not found a house yet.
No kidding. On the other hand, look at that view! But the main thing is, it’s been stable. This is a hard town for housing, either renting or buying, for a lot of different reasons. That alone has made me want to flee before. As it stands now, I’d be happy to buy a place.
Is it out-of-the-question to buy a piece of land and build on it?
No, not at all. Might give me something fun to look at!
I always go back to JHFarr and Richard Brautigan. Love you John. Hi to Kathy! xoxo
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