
So Simple Yet So Hard

peacock in the driveway

Sunday morning cracked wide open »Buy This Photo!«

Last night we had dinner with a man who refused anesthesia and simply left his body for a surgical procedure down in Albuquerque. (“He’s from Taos, it’s all right.”) This morning there was a peacock in our driveway eating birdseed. It should not surprise you that another story from last night involved a barking bear. [...]

Dying Cow Days

curve along the Rio Grande near Pilar

Curve beside the real Rio Grande, way down deep inside the canyon

“MOOugnnnn! MOOugnnn! MooUGNNN!” just now at nine o’clock at night, over and over for a dozen cycles, then fades. It happens any time of day or night these days. There are farms of some sort in the valley at the bottom of the hill, down there where the Rio Grande del Rancho flows. (That’s what [...]



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