Freaking Llano, freaking Taos. Hernia scar won’t shut up, either. Don’t poke me like that in the night, don’t make me scared to breathe. Dead mother’s taxes, freezing ass cold. Bloody hell and gone, been there, done that. Sick of bad habits and struggling, too. Stuck like this bastard with all of his junk. Why am I living, what can I give?
Can’t Sleep, Can’t Die

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ha! itty bitty hernia nick, prof John – my scar is the length of the inner thigh…10”long 1/2” wide…40 yr old motorbike mishap: clutch lever ripped it open…15 yrs later fell off the roof & that same leg caught the gutter & the groin acted as a bungee cord…torn real good …sciatic nerve pain is the result, esp if you have to shovel wet,heavy snow for a couple of hours …two days in a row.
FIX fot ALL pain whether neuropathic,myalgic,arthritic or phantom is Epsom Salts!
–> wet your hands&painful area,rub in EpsomSalts,apply a capful of organic apple cider vinegar over that& as a coup de grace, massage the works with extra virgin coconut oil.
2 gallons of horse liniment per year don’t work half as well…plus the transdermal mag application …just google ‘benefits of magnesium’ & prepare to be amazed…mag impacts 800 body processes…& alleviates depression,diabetes,heart arrhythmia, for example.
[caveat: elimination of dairy products is essential. check out Dr.McDougall on youtube]
Man, you write a mean motorcycle crash description & follow-up. Bungee cord, mad genius! Dig the Epsom salts and magnesium, thank you.
Damn, that’s pure poetry, both the pic and the text. Seriously, a guy who can write with that kind of wit and take those kinds of pics can’t be all done in yet. I’ll reserve my pity for the poor bastards on their featherbeds sleeping the sleep of complacent imbecility while you carry on the struggle.
Not done in here! Might do in here, though.
I’m a-strugglin’. Feels like… life! Or as we used to say in Abilene, “laff.”
I could get worried about you, our John; are you having what used to be delicately referred to as a nervous breakdown? Maybe all the stuff’s coming up that couldn’t emerge while your ma was alive. I sound like a shrink here but I am concerned that you use that bile constructively. For if it’s in, it sure does need to come out.
Did you not hear the man praise me for POETRY?!?
Free association at 4:00 a.m. All true, no sweat. And don’t you like the question? 🙂
here ya go:
Traci Styner,The Real Food Channel-
The shocking truth about dairy
John McDougall MD routinely reverses
and cures serious diseases like diabetes
and heart disease simply by helping his
patients change their diets.
In his experience, the most important
thing to remove from your diet is dairy
I realize that a lot of people are not
going to want to hear this, but the
science is overwhelming.
The scary thing is that advertising dollars
from the milk and cheese industry keeps
this simple information from getting to
the public.
Here’s a simple thing you can do to
significantly improve your health.
Video (1:17:07)
But dar, my health is perfect! And I LOVE milk and cheese. I’m even losing weight…
agreed, prof John, You ‘know’ your body. [ ms Kath,a luvly neighbor, said the same thing when i begged her to lay off the stuff…3 yrs later,she died of ovarian cancer]
– to h^ll with Dr.McD’s stuff & the likes of Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn, former Olympic rowing champion, author of the 2007 book Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease
Sooner or later you’ll always be right. 🙂 But what if you convinced someone they’d die? People are suggestible. It’s built in, like remembering a tune. Ye gods, I’m still unlearning stuff.
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