Rio Grande

Rio Grande near Pilar

Canyon walls, not mountains. Aieeee!

This spot beside the Rio Grande is twenty minutes and a thousand feet lower down the road from where we live. Twenty minutes, that’s all it takes, and what a different world. [You’re looking downstream here.] The water yesterday was clearer than I’ve ever seen it. With the right angle on the sunlight, there was [...]

Summer’s Eve

rainbow over Llano Quemado (Ranchos)

It’s almost actually warm, too »Buy This Photo!«

I‘ll bet most people in the Northern Hemisphere think of June, July, and August as “summer.” Meteorologically speaking, the three warmest months of the year are the climatological summer, so in that sense they’d be correct. I know I always think of June that way, hence the “summer’s eve” photo taken after yesterday’s showers. My [...]

Cool New Mexico Video

Preview frame above from the Rio Grande Gorge near Taos Found the link on Twitter and just thought I’d post this. New Mexico stole my heart a long time ago, you know. It’s so different here. More kind, somehow, without so many people. Beautiful and dangerous! So goddamn old, mysterious, and crazy empty. You get [...]

Canada goose on the Rio Grande near Pilar, NM

No one shooting at them here

We went down to Pilar on Friday afternoon. A slow drive along the Rio Grande to look for waterfowl and eagles was the agreed-upon Valentine’s Day present for us both. But the sun was shining, it felt like spring—sixty-five degrees down in the canyon—why wait for the 14th, we thought? And off we went. This [...]

Dying Cow Days

curve along the Rio Grande near Pilar

Curve beside the real Rio Grande, way down deep inside the canyon

“MOOugnnnn! MOOugnnn! MooUGNNN!” just now at nine o’clock at night, over and over for a dozen cycles, then fades. It happens any time of day or night these days. There are farms of some sort in the valley at the bottom of the hill, down there where the Rio Grande del Rancho flows. (That’s what [...]



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