New Mexico

Rollin’ and Tumblin’

Video is 1080p HD! Adjust setting in viewer for full effect. Damn it all. Here I was all set to jump back in with a fine big story, but current events grabbed me by the throat and wouldn’t let go. Be that as it may, I’m alive and kicking. Enjoy the video—an excellent metaphor for [...]

Present Tense

old Taos scene

Here we are and this is what we do, both feet flat on the ground. You just put one foot in front of the other, her father told her. We just go until we stop, she said.

Peaceful Interlude

Johnson Mesa, northeast New Mexico

Can’t complain about the traffic here

Here, have a Johnson Mesa view from my trip to northeast New Mexico almost two weeks ago. The mesa is one of the strangest places I’ve ever been and well worth your time. I probably won’t be back there anytime soon, however, unless I can figure out a way to visit Capulin Volcano without staying [...]

Johnson Mesa Pronghorns

pronghorns east of Raton

Close encounter just off the road

We came upon them suddenly at the top of a hill, clustered at a waterhole just twenty feet from the road. I immediately stopped. They immediately started walking away. The buck stood guard between us and them, forcing me to choose which ones to photograph. By the time I’d gotten out and aimed my camera [...]

Volcano Birthday Party

View from Capulin volcano

See any towns?

Would you believe we visited a volcano on my birthday on the exact day that the volcano was having a birthday? Not the mysterious one in the photo, which I haven’t looked up yet—New Mexico is full of them—but I took the shot from the summit of Capulin Volcano, which I do know and where [...]



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