
Wild One

cactus blossom

Ne pick pas

It’s a good year for cactus flowers. You pretty much don’t see them unless you’re on foot in the sagebrush or messing around in someone’s vacant lot, blooming cholla being an extravagant exception, wherever it may be. The most prevalent cactus appears to be a ground-hugging miniature prickly pear-looking thing with plentiful spines. [Above] These [...]

Everything’s Alive

Monte Vista NWR

Oh what sounds they made

There’s nothing I like better than glowing happy birds. Well, glowing happy anything, I guess. This is another shot from Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge taken on our trip last Thursday. I’m still buzzed, as anyone can tell. Public lands forever, chilluns! This is what it means.

Crane Land

sandhill cranes up close

Next time I’ll record some audio

Just doing what we can here, less than two hours from our rented adobe on the hill. Remember, we drove past this amazing place to get to this amazing place, the Monte Vista National Wildlife Refuge in southern Colorado. There were thousands of Canade geese and sandhill cranes, dark blue ponds, and mountains looming all [...]

Behold the Mighty Polyphemus

polyphemus moth in Taos, New Mexico

Late night visitor in Llano Quemado

I was sitting at my desk late the other night when something started bonking against the window. That would be this fellow here. With a wingspan of about five and a half inches, the polyphemus moth does make quite a commotion on the window glass. This is one big moth, ladies and gentlemen. I suggest [...]

Colfax County Pronghorn Prayer

pronghorn outside Cimarron, NM

Afternoon of the Antelope

Sometimes I can’t believe how lucky I am to be here. Other times I want to shoot myself, but still. I think the lucky stuff is winning out. It’s kind of been a long time. I used to drive to Washington, D.C. and Baltimore. The freeways were all walled in. You couldn’t see a thing. [...]



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