This is the view from my desk. If you hunt for Taos Mountain on this site via Search or Tags, you’ll find a zillion similar shots, but I don’t care. There’s an acequia (traditional seasonal irrigation ditch from Moorish Spain that looks just like a stream) at the bottom of the hill. That huge aspen on the left was planted 50 years ago by hippies, and you know it’s happy to be rooted near the water. Dennis Hopper lived less than a hundred yards away back then. I doubt he had a role in digging up the aspens in the mountains and transplanting them down here, but who knows and it doesn’t matter. The point is that this very hillside was completely barren in the early ’60s, and some crazy people made it better. They planted apple trees as well and they’ll be blooming soon.
Almost Spring

Barely cranked telephoto image from Pentax K-x DSLR
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Gorgeous photo. Especially beautiful now that I feel spring moving in.
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